THE WORLD'S NO. 1 SELLING SCRUBBER FOR CAST IRON COOKWARE - FOR GOOD REASON! %0A %0A %0AGood cooks tell us that the professional grade stainless steel CM Scrubber is the world's best pots and pans scrubber. Cleaning cast iron cookware with the CM Scrubber is safe, fast and easy. Well seasoned cast iron pans will now stay seasoned. %0A %0A %0AFAST - Just run your pan under warm water and scrub. Cooked on residue will release quickly and easily. The best time to clean cast iron pans is shortly after cooking when they are just warm to the touch. %0A %0ACLEAN - Cleans up fast with a little soapy water or just toss it in the dishwasher. The Knapp Made CM Scrubber keeps that stainless steel shine! %0A %0AEASY - The toughest mess will clean up easy - even after cooking pork chops and leaving the pan overnight - we know, it happens at our house all the time! %0A %0A %0ASAVE YOUR HARD EARNED CAST IRON PAN SEASONING - You work hard to get your cast iron pans perfectly seasoned. Don't risk losing your pan seasoning with detergents or scraping your pans with metal utensils. The CM Scrubber does the job with just warm water. And the patented chainmail design means that only the round ring edges touch the pan. %0A %0A %0AHANG TO DRY - Customers love the big corner ring. It helps the hold while your cleaning and then just hang the scrubber to air dry. %0A %0A %0ARecommended by Cook's Illustrated Magazine: %0A %0ACould this little gadget clean cast iron better than oil and salt? Test Results: Recommended %0A...we're even fonder of our cast-iron skillet now that we have a faster, tidier cleanup tool. - CI Magazine, Jan/Feb 2012 %0A %0A