Milk thistle is considered by many herbalists to be the primary herb for liver health. The active components in milk thistle are its flavonoids collectively called silymarin; and the majority of milk thistle-related research has been conducted on this component. Silymarin has long been recognized for its ability to promote healthy liver function in a variety of circumstances. Genceutic naturals milky thistle uses certified organic sources of milk thistle, naturally containing a full spectrum of a full spectrum of flavonolignan compounds: silymarin [silibinin (silybin a and silybin b), silychristin, and silydianin], dehydrosilybin, 3-deoxysilichristin, deoxysilydianin (silymonin), siliandrin, silibinome, silyhermin and neosilyhermin. Traditionally it has been used as a digestive aid, and the internationally respected commission e monographs approved the internal use of milk thistle for dyspeptic complaints (e.g., upset stomach or indigestion). This effect may be due to in increase in bile flow. Furthermore, has a liver protective effect against damaging agents and toxins. One of the primary protective effects of silymarin is attributed to its antioxidant and free radicals scavenging properties. Milk thistle also provides liver protection by helping to stabilize liver cell membranes in such a way as to prevent the penetration of the liver by toxins into interior of the cell.