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Dr. Sinatra's Omega-3 Calamarine - Heart Health Supplement for Healthy Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Ratios, 60 Softgels (30-Day Supply)

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Dr. Sinatra's Omega-3 Calamarine - Heart Health Supplement for Healthy Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Ratios, 60 Softgels (30-Day Supply)


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  • Contains more heart-healthy DHA than fish oil, improves HDL and triglyceride levels and boosts mental processing, and delivers a potent combination of DHA and EPA fatty acids with no fishy taste or smell
  • Increases energy; circulation and brain power; Supports healthy cholesterol ratios and blood pressure
  • Promotes the body's natural anti-inflammatory response; rejuvenates and hydrates skin and eyes
  • Developed by Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Board-certified cardiologist, nutritionist and anti-aging expert
  • Distributed by Healthy Directions, known for its stringent quality control measures and Triple Testing Methodology which have led to a spotless safety record for more than 20 years. 100% satisfaction guaranteed; manufactured in U.S.A.
Product Description


My Omega-3 Calamarine is the same, trusted DHA-rich Calamarine found in Omega Q Plus, giving you my recommended ratio of DHA to EPA for superior heart protection and support. It promotes circulation, supports your body's natural anti-inflammatory response, promotes proper metabolism of dietary fat and cholesterol, and promotes healthy skin, lungs, and bowels. Furthermore, research indicates that DHA omega-3s support cognitive function and memory, and promote eye health. This isn't surprising, given the fact that DHA comprises 95% or more of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain and eyes. But DHA is harder to obtain through diet alone, and ordinary fish oils typically give you more EPA and little DHA. Both EPA and DHA are important for heart health. In fact, supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease as part of a healthy diet. I recommend supplementing with more DHA because emerging research shows that DHA plays a greater role in cardiovascular health. Studies show that DHA is better able to promote normal blood pressure, a lower heart rate, healthy blood vessel function, and healthy triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels. Most fish-sourced omega-3s come from salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, and anchovies. The omega-3s in Calamarine come from calamari (squid) that are caught in pristine South American waters and have a very short life cycle, meaning there is a constantly renewing supply and no threat of over-fishing. The squid is then processed in a state-of-the-art Norwegian facility, yielding pure, clean oil that's easy on your digestive system, with no unpleasant smell. For reasons both therapeutic and green, I believe DHA-rich Omega-3 Calamarine is the very best source of heart-healthy omega-3s. And my Omega-3 Calamarine supplement, makes it easy for you to get the exact DHA-to-EPA omega-3 ratio I recommend for your heart and overall good health!
Additional Information
  • Manufacturer: Dr. Sinatra

  • Model: CAL

  • Storkz Item #: S20466223